Monday, April 27, 2015

The Secret By Denise Levertov

The secret by Denise Levertov is the type of poem you lose yourself reading. It’s like a story almost written in such beautiful words. The poem is about the little things life that and how two girls unravel these small things in the world.

                      “Two girls discover/the secret of life/in a sudden line of/poetry” (1-4). This first stanza is simple two girls discover something that they never seen before something that they haven’t witness with their eyes. “I who don't know the/secret wrote/the line. They/told me” (5-8). When reading this I think it means that this old age person who have seen all the simple things but takes it for granted. So this person forgets about what it was it was like seeing these simple but amazing things for the first time when he/she was younger. “(through a third person)/they had/found it/but not what it was/not even//what line it was. No doubt/by now, more than a week/later, they have forgotten/the secret” (9-16). These words mean that so they discover new things what they call secret in the poem and as time pass u don’t forget about it but u just get use to seeing it so its not new to the little girls anymore.” the line, the name of/the poem. I love them/for finding what/I can't find” (17-20). This stanza is saying that this person watching them is happy and proud for them like a parent to their child for discovering the little things. The little things that he/she cant rediscover and get that same exciting feeling about.” and for loving me/for the line I wrote,/and for forgetting it/so that//a thousand times, till death/finds them, they may/discover it again, in other/lines” (21-28). The person appreciates them for loving him for the what he/she had showed the girls. It also says that the old age person is happy that they forgot the simple things so that they could re discover it when they are at his point of view. Reading this poem brings me back to when I was young and everything happening around me seems to be a miracle. From watching a plane fly in the clear sky to a lady bug on a leaf. It was so new and exciting to witness these things. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

A time to talk by Robert Frost


                       Robert Frost writes “A time to talk”. A short but meaningful poem that everyone should read. We should all take something away from “A time to talk” and learn something from it. It’s about not only about friendship but getting caught up in life.
                          As I read the poem I realize it’s a poem that everybody can relate to. People in this world are so distracted by numerous stuff like school, work or even playing games that we get too distracted for our friends.” When a friend calls to me from the road/And slows his horse to a meaning walk”(1-2) Robert is talking about a when one of his friend comes around and wants to talk. He doesn’t refuse even though he still has work to do on the hill as he refer in the poem “I don't stand still and look around/On all the hills I haven't hoed”(3-4). He doesn’t say he is annoyed but u can get a sense of it when you read “And shout from where I am, 'What is it?”(5). When he says he “I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground”(6) means that he will leave what he is doing behind to talk to his friend. It gets interesting when in the poem he thrust his tool into the ground and “Blade-end up and five feet tall”(7) meaning that maybe he will try an have a short conversation, keeping the business end up as the blade is. After he states that he plod which is walking with slowly and heavy steps could mean that he is upset or just tired. He goes up to the stone wall where they are separated “And plod: I go up to the stone wall /For a friendly visit”(8-9).

Friday, March 27, 2015

I am in need of music- Elizabeth Bishop

                  When reading Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “I am in need of music” it almost feels like you are reading lyrics to a song. It has that Flow of words to it. The poem is about how music can help people.
                  As I read this poem as a huge fan of music, I could understand what Elizabeth is writing about. ” Over my bitter-tainted, trembling lips”(3). Music doesn’t only move you mentality and sometimes without knowing your lips can be moving to the lyrics of the song. Music puts you in a state that nobody can explain. “A song to fall like water on my head”(7). Have you ever listen to music while taking a shower? It is so stress free with the water flowing over your head. Out of all the words in this poem “Of some song sung to rest the tired dead” (6) caught my attention. It says that music can help individuals get over and forget about the past. It may be for just that moment but that duration of the song you will feel free. The second part of “I am in need of music” is so beautifully written with “A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool/Heart, that sinks through fading colors deep/To the subaqueous stillness of the sea/And floats forever in a moon-green pool/Held in the arms of rhythm and of sleep”(10-13). Music can make you feel all kinds of way. Those words describe a feeling of carefree and calmness.

                  An article titled “Remembering Elizabeth Bishop” written by Katha Pollitt a student of Elizabeth’s at Harvard. Katha said “She was a wonderful teacher, the perfect blend of formal and free, just like her poems”.  I agree with that description of her because as I read “I am in need of music” it’s such a free flowing poem as she had carried herself.